BANQUE DE FRANCE – Update on the French economy at the start of May 2021

BDF – “April 2021, health measures have been reinforced and extended to the whole territory, with in particular the closure of nurseries and schools until April 26 and that of non-essential shops. In this context, activity fell back in market services (more particularly in local services) but tended to resist in industry (except automotive). Activity in the building sector is maintained at a level close to the pre-crisis level. In total, we estimate the loss of GDP in April at -6% compared to the pre-crisis level, against -5% in March. The cash position of companies is above normal in industry and returned to normal in services.

Download the study from the BDF website with the link below

This month we are shining a spotlight on the fact that more than a quarter of companies in industry and construction raise the issue of procurement without, at this stage, that it is preventing their own business prospects. to improve … "

En Ile-de-France et sur le quartier d'affaires Paris-La Défense

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